Dear Visitors, please be informed that due to a change in legislation our consulate will NOT accept applications for residence permits (work, study, family reunification, etc.) until further notice, but at least until February 29.
As soon as the applications become possible again, we will publish it on our website.
There are three exception in the type „D” visa cases, which can be accepted till the the end of the new type „D” regulations:
1., research scholarship recipients
2., athletes affected by the transfer period at the beginning of the year
3., cross-semester study students:
• Stipendium Hungaricum Program
• Diaszpóra Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíjprogram
• Balassi Bálint ösztöndíjprogram (Márton Áron-ösztöndíj)
• Ösztöndíjprogram Keresztény Fiataloknak
• Erasmus+ Program
• államközi ösztöndíjprogram
• CEEPUS ösztöndíjprogram
• HUN-REN Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet
Thank you for your understanding!